A random view of a gamelan-playing, food-loving linguist from sunny Southern California.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Two new CDs

Well, not exactly "new" in most senses of the word - both were released about a couple years ago. These CDs have gamelan degung, a very soft gamelan ensemble from Sunda (west Java), and kacapi suling, a flute and zither ensemble from the same area as degung. One thing that's funny about gamelan degung is that people often think that it's Balinese gamelan music. Many, if not most, tourists hear this music being piped out from the storefronts in many of the tourist enclaves in Bali. Thus, the association is made between degung and Bali. But I and many other people know otherwise...

Tonight, 경애누나 is going to have a small dinner party at her place, and I'm thinking of making wu-gok, which are taro puff pastries made famous in various dim sum parlors. This'll be my first time making them, so hopefully they'll turn out.


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