"Creative new uses for a hammer!"
I guess that could be an alternate title for "Oldboy", the revenge thriller from South Korea. Saw it last night over at the festival. It started a bit late (~20 min. behind schedule) but it was worth the wait. 참 좋고 재미있었어! (It was that good!) I really enjoy revenge thrillers. From what I remembered, when the LA Times first reported on the Cannes Grand Prix winner, the critics said that it was disturbingly violent. Well, that's true in a handful of scenes, but at least this movie gives you a chance to rest between each period of gore. And we're not only talking about human gore here - let's eat some 낙지회 (a "special type" of octopus), shall we?
Next movie on my list: "Cutie Honey", showing this Friday.
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