A random view of a gamelan-playing, food-loving linguist from sunny Southern California.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Cudamani's concert - what a show!

It's a Friday now, so it's been two days since the concert. However, I'm still beaming from the energy these guys had during the concert. The concert was a great success - the house was almost full, and these guys had a standing ovation. They deserved it, too - I've seen too many performances where standing ovations were given but weren't really deserved, imho.

Anyway, photos weren't allowed during the performance, but there was nothing preventing me from taking pictures after the performance. So, here are some shots:

Group shot of Çudamani (with me, the "white" one, in the back and center). I have another shot of them doing similar poses. These guys take their music very seriously, can't you tell? But they also like to have a really good time.

Hanging out with Pak Dewa Berata, the leader of the group. He was one of our directors for Gamelan Sekar Jaya, the group I was with for two years during my Berkeley "career". He's also helped me out during my research.

Some of the gangsa (metallophones) of Çudamani. This set is the one the group uses whenever it comes to the US.

Mr. HEBO doing a Baris-styled pose, my friend Sonja doing telinga kelinci (rabbit ears), and another friend, Sabrina, holding something or other. These folks obviously like to yuck it up for the camera... Posted by Hello


Blogger Teresa said...

Just felt like saying "hey, howzit?" or "aloha" or something. I played in a Javanese gamelan ensemble at University of Hawaii for a few semesters. I loved it. I was really bad though. And OMG, at my age, after a few hours of sitting on the floor, it's really tough to get back up! I'll do better as part of the audience. Maybe I'll hear you one day!

1:47 AM

Blogger Ed said...

Hi teresa,

So you've played with Pak Susilo! A remarkable person. Anyway, I'm also not getting any younger - my legs, for some odd reason, always cramp up ("kesemutan", if you will) more quickly if I'm sitting for gerong. Thanks for the heads-up.

9:17 PM


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